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Monday, February 1, 2010

How Often Should I Floss?

There is a dynamic balance in the mouth. Each person's oral environment differs by genetics, eating habits, hygiene habits and bacteria. For the most part all of these are INHERITED. We inherit tooth and jaw shape from one or both parents. we inherit our eating and hygiene habits from whoever we spent the most time with growing up. We inherit bacteria from whoever fed you those first meals and "tested" your food for you. Interestingly enough we can only play the hand we are dealt however we can play a big roll to influence those cards.
Some people will build up Plaque very quickly and need to brush often or they will get Cavities between their teeth. Some people will build up Calculus quickly (this is hardened plaque) and they NEED to floss or they will get irritation of the gums called gingivitis and eventually lead to periodontitis and tooth loss. Some people seem to put little effort into their hygiene and have perfect teeth. I suppose in such a vague sense "IT DEPENDS". In a perfect world the dentist will tell you to floss everyday. In reality many people do not. Many people do not have to. It is great to get into a daily habit. Prevention goes so far in the mouth! It is better to stay ahead of the curve and not allow disease to set in. To spend time with your dentist and find out what is the right regimine for YOUR oral dynamics.

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